Articles & Media

MAS ETH MPP Tracer Study Report 2022

external pageSwitzerland and multilateralism: five personal accounts of peace and diplomacy - FDFA article onThe International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, 24.04.2021

Mediation Perspectives: Moving Training from Room to Zoom - by Owen Frazer and Inbal Ben-Ezer on the CSS Blog Network, 26.06.2020

external page"Making Peace When the Whole World Has Come to Fight: The Mediation of Internationalized Civil Wars" - Article by MAS ETH MPP graduate Sean Kane in International Peacekeeping, 12.05.2020

"Mediation Perspectives: Steer Your Way through Conflict Analysis" - by Inbal Ben-Ezer on The CSS Blog Network, 20.12.2019

"Peace Agreement Provisions and the Durability of Peace" - Study by MAS ETH MPP graduate Sean Kane in CSS News, 27.09.2019

DownloadProgram Brochure - MAS ETH Mediation in Peace Processes (PDF, 42.6 MB)

"This MAS program is special" - CSS Blog, 25.10.2018

external page"Schweiz bildet Mediatoren für heikle Missionen aus" - Article by Tobias Gafafer in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 30.04.2018

external page"Aussenminister Cassis bei Amtskollege Gabriel: Beim Treffen der beiden Aussenminister haben Deutschland und die Schweiz ihre freundschaftliche Beziehung betont" - Article from SRF, 22.02.2018

external page"Vertreter aus aller Welt lernen in der Schweiz das Friedenshandwerk" - Article at by Kathrin Ammann, 29.01.2018 (DE), (FR), (IT)

external page"In Zürich das Friedenshandwerk lernen" - Article from Welt-Sichten, Magazin für Globale Entwicklung und Ökumenische Zusammenarbeit, 23.01.2018

external page"Friedensförderung an der ETH Zürich" - An interview with Dr. Andreas Wenger (ETH Zurich) and Nicole Providoli (Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs), Rendezvous on SRF Radio, 22.11.2017

"Mediation für Profis: Der "Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes" by Simon Mason and Andreas Wenger in Bulletin 2017 zur Schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik

"MAS ETH Mediation in Peace Processes" in CSS-News, 30.05.2017



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